
New restrictions for transactions with Russian tradeable securities

In March, we informed you about the enactment of Presidential Decree No. 138 On Further Temporary Economic Measures Relating to Securities Trading, dated 3 March 2023 (the Decree) which introduced new restrictions for transactions with Russian tradeable securities between Russian residents and non-residents from unfriendly jurisdictions.

In its meeting on 24 April 2023, the Sub-Commission of the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in Russia, resolved that it would be “expedient”, when considering approvals for transactions that require clearance under the Decree, to condition such approvals on the assumption of an undertaking to make a voluntary contribution to the Russian federal budget.

Read in detail in the alert at the link: https://stonebridgelegal.ru/media/files/Alert_Russian_counter-sanctions_regulations_May_ENG.pdf

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    In one of our previous alerts, we advised that a draft law amending the Russian Code of Administrative Offences had been submitted to the State Duma to establish, among other things, sanctions for failure to comply with the requirements of Law No. 470-FZ On Peculiarities of Regulation of Corporate Relations in Business Entities that are Economically Significant Organisations. On 22 June 2024, that law was signed by the President of Russia, published and entered into force.
