Insights & events

  • Strengthening Merger Control in Financial Markets
    Strengthening Merger Control in Financial Markets

    On 28 December 2024, the Russian President signed Law No. 539-FZ which introduced amendments to the current law On the Protection of Competition aimed at strengthening merger control in Russian financial markets. The amendments were prepared by the Russian competition authority (the FAS) and will come into effect on 1 September 2025.


  • Temporary administration over Carlsberg’s Baltika lifted
    Temporary administration over Carlsberg’s Baltika lifted

    As we advised in one of our previous client alerts, Presidential Decree On Temporary Administration of Certain Assets No. 302, dated 25 April 2023, introduced temporary administration in relation to certain Russian assets owned by foreign groups associated with unfriendly states, namely in relation to Uniper’s Russian subsidiary PAO Unipro and Fortum’s Russian subsidiary PAO Fortum. In July 2023, the list of assets subject to such temporary administration was expanded to include, among others Carlsberg’s Russian subsidiary Baltika Brewery LLC.


  • Stricter penalties for personal data breaches
    Stricter penalties for personal data breaches

    On 30 November 2024, the President of the Russian Federation signed draft laws No. 502113-8 (amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – the RF CC) and No. 502104-8 (amendments to the Administrative Offences Code – the AOC), which were officially published on the same day. These documents, inter alia, toughen the liability of business and management for violation of personal data processing rules.


  • The tightening of the exit conditions confirmed
    The tightening of the exit conditions confirmed

    Оn 30 October 2024, an excerpt from Minutes No.268/1 of the meeting of the Sub-Commission, dated 15 October 2024, was published on the website of the Russian Ministry of Finance, which lists the new rules that the Sub-Commission will follow when reviewing the transactions whereby non-Russian companies associated with unfriendly states sell their Russian securities, including shares/equity interests in Russian companies. The new rules are exactly the same as we advised in our previous alert of 11 October 2024.


  • Conditions for exit tightened
    Conditions for exit tightened

    Whilst this has not been formally announced yet, we understand that the Sub-Commission of the Government Commission for Control over Foreign Investments in Russia, which is one of the ultimate decision-makers in counter-sanctions matters, has resolved, pursuant to the relevant instructions of the Russian President, that the conditions for clearing transactions whereby non-Russian companies associated with unfriendly states sell their Russian securities, including shares/equity interests in Russian companies, should be materially tightened.
